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Climate Disruption in the Boardroom

Climate Disruption in the Boardroom

February 24, 2020

Senior Partner Carol Hansell was featured in a February 2020 article published by CBA/ABC National Magazine. The article addressed the challenges that officers and directors encounter in the face of climate change. Quoting from the article:

“Carol Hansell, a senior partner at Hansell LLP, compares the reaction of corporate boards now to climate liability to where most of them were a decade ago on cybersecurity and the threat of online attacks.”

“‘It’s not that boards don’t care about climate change. It’s just not something that’s been routinely elevated to the board level,’ she says. ‘Corporate boards have started calling for more information and analysis lately.'”

“‘If you’re in the food industry, climate change affects supply. If you make steel, it affects transport. It doesn’t matter what you do — climate change poses threats to your business model. And no one can claim any more to be unaware of that threat.'”

Read the full article here.